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The Arab Network for Crisis Information rejects collective punishment and daily confiscation of Sudanese newspapers

Mohamed Murad Badr

The Arab Network for Crisis Information condemns the vicious and unprecedented attack by the Sudanese authorities, through its security services, with the confiscation of the newspapers of the current, the newspaper, the homeland and the last moment of the printing press after printing, all this week without any reasons or clear reasons, in clear and systematic targeting and serious escalation. Violation of the freedom of opinion, expression and press publication by applying collective punishment.
The Arab Network for Crisis Information deplores the administrative procedures practiced by the Sudanese security apparatus, which is flagrant, unacceptable and unconstitutional interference and violates the right to freedom of opinion, expression and press publication contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the right of the recipient to obtain information And the knowledge of Meidor within the organs of the state, which is the duty of the press, but the security authorities are trying to limit the role of newspapers and blocking the facts from the eyes of public opinion, and forcing the press to beautify the image of the ruling regime without being subjected to failures or even criticism.
The collective punishment and the almost daily confiscation under the poor economic conditions of the country are aimed at forcing the newspapers to close and declare bankruptcy due to the losses sustained by these repeated and repeated confiscations, which they have made in debts that they can not pay. Displacement and unemployment.
The siege imposed by the Sudanese authorities is only a prelude to the adoption of the Press Law and Press Publications of the year 2017 is notorious and known and “controversial” and rejected by all journalists and the opposition all articles with the Sudanese Constitution and international covenants.
This massacre of the Sudanese press in its long history spanning more than 100 years confirms the Sudanese authorities’ lack of commitment to the Constitution and the dialogue that they have adopted and pledged in their outputs to allow and protect press freedoms. However, they have been subjected to more restrictions than previously. As if the original in the newspapers is no published, and that crisis put journalists in the face of bad professional conditions imposed on them self-censorship, and made the process of writing a precarious issue and the results are unexpected, a newspaper has protested against the lack of knowledge of the possibility of issued or confiscated.
The Arab Network for Crisis Information expresses its deep concern over this fierce campaign against press freedoms, and calls on the media to unite and form a broad front that includes activists, rights activists, journalists and press freedom advocates to resist this vicious attack on newspapers.
Arab Network for Crisis Information
December 2017


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