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*NUP calls for transitional national government*


KHARTOUM, April 21 (ANSA)—the Secretary-General of the Ansar Sect, the religious base of the Sudanese opposition National Umma Party (NUP), Abdul Mahmoud Abbo, has called for  formation of a transitional national government to run the affairs of the country for “failure”  of the current regime to do the job.

Abbo was quoted by Aljareedah daily newspaper on Saturday as saying in a speech after Friday prayers in the Ansar Mosque in Omdurman, that the government of Omar al-Beshir has to admit to its failure of running the affairs of the state, citing the current economic crises, the long queues at the gas stations and failure to pay salaries of the diplomats and rents of the residences of the diplomatic missions abroad.

“The regime should admit of its failure and give the country back to its people to choose persons of competence and experience to the run the affairs of the country, particularly as the present rulers have not been mandated by the people but have seized the authority in the dark,” Abbo said

He indicated that the crises of the Sudan cannot be resolved during the wartime and therefore, he went on, it is a pre-requisite to find an end to the conflicts in all parts of the country.

Abbo said the government should stop preparations for elections and for drafting a constitution while the war is still going on.

He criticized lawsuits recently filed by the security authorities against NUP leader Sadek al-Mahdi who he said should be credited for persuading the rebel movements to drop a call for self-determination for Darfur and the Two Areas (South Kordofan and Blue Nile) and for his positive participation in efforts for  combatting terrorism abroad


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