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Aerial attacks in Nuba mountains

Date; 4/5/2016
Aerial attacks in Nuba mountains
On 2/5/016 NCP air force Antinov plane attacked residential area in Hieban town with four high explosive barrel bombs wounded two civilians, namely lady/ najma Musa kona-22 yrs old and lady/ Samia Adam-21 yrs old, on 3/5/016 Mig jet fighter attacked kauda town with two bombs and Hieban town with two bombs no casualties but caused terror and fear to the civilians and today 4/5/016 from 7;00-9;00 am antinov plane attacked Hajar-bago, Urru and Hieban town with 24 bombs the details later.
Arnu Ngutulu Lodi
SPLM/A-N official spokesman

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