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Floating the pound** will lead to sinking of the citizen**

{Loudly thinking}
Lana Mahdi Abdullahi
* officially Sudan’s central bank floated theSudanese pound so that the dollar will reach 40,000 pounds as result of this reckless policy ..
They floated the pound and then the citizen sank
With full accurately and determination we have to say that the National Congress government (raised the prices of fuel, oil, increased the prices of some goods and did not raise the support)because fuel and all goods are not supported.
!!! When did the NCP support prices to tell us now that they have raised support for prices, which has been declared that many times in recent last years?
The government of the National Congress party desire to sell us enchanted illusion in slivered gift papers to make us believe that it was living its citizens in high standard of living in the past because it supported e of the basic requirements of the people.
Persisting in selling of illusion, the government wants to persuade the people that it has been gone to these clumsy economic policies and was forced and ask the people to leave high standard of living which provided by the regime and to tie the belts (temporarily) for the necessities of the stage!
**And the evidence of this is the confirmation of the Minister of Finance, who repeated saying that next year will wetness the decline in inflation Coinciding with decline in trade balance deficit.
The Minister of Finance occupied the scene in the face of the flash cameras which highlighted the economic disappointment and he was also struck by the anger of the people because he is afacade that made the decisions although he was only charged with conveying the news of the disaster to the people.
“While the head of the government of the National Conference party at head of those involved till their ears in the recent economic disaster, the Sudanese Council of Ministers headed by Bashir adopted in November 2016 decisions of the Central Bank of Sudan to unpeg the dollar exchange rate.
Before we look at the effect of rising of prices, we first need to know the consequences of the unpegging of the dollar exchange rate and the floating of the Sudanese pound.
** Under the decision of unpegging the dollar exchange, the Sudanese pound was subjected to the law of supply and demand, after the central bank lost control of the dollar as hard currency and after the (irresponsible) state completely raised its control official from its currency and left it to the matter of supply and demand.
This leads to increasing rates of poverty among the poor citizens in first and jump in inflation rates, high increase in prices and a significant effect on low-income people, especially in the regions and also on small investors.
Why the investors in small businesses are affected??
The Floating of the pound forcing small investors at the import to change their money to US dollars for the purpose of import and in exchange transaction they are forced to pay more to obtain hard currency and this will be carried by the citizen.
And for the traders in order to compensate their losses they directed themselves to random, fast and continuous increases in prices of basic commodities which the citizen cannot leave them and this will lead to catastrophic jump in inflation rates.
“The government of the National Conference confirmed that it will increase wages and salaries to compensate the losses of the people but this solution is not benefit —. Raising the minimum wage and salaries will not solve the problem.Why??
1/ The percent (%)of employees not more than 5% of the Sudanese people and the increase in wages related to the state employees. Therefor the increase of wages is foe limited sector, which does not effective to avoid hunger because salaries are fixed while prices will start of daily and rapid increase.
2/ The government should work seriously to stop the war immediately!! Instead of equivocation people and carried the out of their abilities, the NCP must To face its disappointments, the first of which is to stop the futile war which has been spread has it all over the country The war which consuming most of the budget that goes to armament as well as the budget of security.
3/ The government’s foreign relations are very weak which restricted the government to get grants and support.
4/ The policy US administration in economic sanctions and lifting sanctions uses stick and carrot policy with Sudan government.
5/The wide spread of corruption that wreaked the nation’s bone, even institutions with Islamic slogans are affected by the corruption!
“” The government of the National Congress does willing to stop the war and to carry its responsibilities by searching vital alternatives to the national economy by reducing the staff of central and state governments, presidential spending, and turn the allocation of staff of government to increase production to pay on education and health!
“The government of the National Congress party,which failed to find other serious solutions that participate to increase productivity and reduce imports, replaced by provocative and hysterical statements by government officials and leaders of the National Congress party, which indicate that they are in real crisis.
“It is full chaos which it’s not spread only in the economy side but it’s also in political and social life after they destroyed not only public life, but all system of values that characterized the Sudanese society; and the redirecting pf organization of values is the main challenge for the post-this regime period.
“Sudanese-who used to extend his hand by generously now he /she searching in waste container to eat!!
** The government of (Oma Bashir) sleep in pleasure and its people hungry, did you see the video of the Sudanese who eats from the in box of waste in the street??!!
Floating sundaes currency leads to sinking of citizen.
And still the country of sufficiency and justice in the protection of God

Lana Mahdi Abdullahi


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