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Father of the mirage(57)

Hassan Ahmed
Waves of river is a quiet, this calmness which follows the storm, don’t misunderstand this cautious quietness is surrendering, this game needs a patience and wisdom at this unchangeable time, the elder gives one lesson from his journey of patience, you can say something, when the public silence of people, it became a creed refuses to speak out frankly, the tongues have been tied or cut off, when your state enacts law to silence forever, at this specific critic periods, your voice should raise for your state and people, at this specific critic period, the people who adopt raising of voice, they will appear to the heights of liberation.

Soon, the silence of people will a part of past, that castle of silence will fall down, it will be shattered, after that, the voices of people will return to the arena of masses, the voiceless is shame in this state, they address us, we will sacrifice to protect rights of people, at secret room, they enacted law to silence us again and again, the waves of people emerge to give a picture of salvation, the life people without dignity, it is a crime against them, that suffering is constant, but they block it soon, sun of injustice never rises twice.

The quiet river is a patience of people, only them know, when will they rise from the quietness, the elder tells us, the oppressors think, they finished the controlling  over them, they believed the quietness of river, but, it knows its own self, it recruited the quietness for the good time of uprising, the elder tells us and them, the fit phase is on hand of masses, they know the route of liberation.


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