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Father of the mirage(56)

Hassan Ahmed
The elder has become a source of optimism, the insight thoughts from him, it has established the second or third of revolutionary liberation, the brightest points of his own thoughts, the history of this land might be dug deep to separate the fallacy from the reality, do you think this historic fallacy? it hasn’t that dangerous impact on the generation, the historic fallacy has formed the current thinking of many, the notebook of the elder points to this truth, it was alone source of history, some of our African elites took it as Divine thought, the contaminated river says, the human reached to the courage to disagree or criticize with them, if the divine thought contradicts with the humane factual, this historic handcuff might be studied by humane pure mind, to remove this a deliberate mixing for taking the advantage only.

The constant repetition of historic fallacy is one of a tool to deceive you, to ignore your a respected to realize that lane is constructed to rob your right to think as a human being, an idea of degradation too, the history always has two knives, one could use it as useful instrument and other will be used as an atrocious tool against the human being, this is called the disastrous history, the elder says always.

The notebook of elder is only a series to open a second phase of African humane liberation, at this phase, we should liberalize the thought itself from the internal confined of history, the elder mentions to all of you, that historic political barricade might be discussed openly, the disease is in it, you can’t give it misguided name to manoeuvre, name it as it is, this lesson of historic deception is s manifesto of the liars by name of humanity, they have grown this a corrupted seeds on your own environment, you failed to distinguish between the good and bad harvest, until now, the elder father says to us, you became the heir of the broken throne of African failed ruling.


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