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Father of the mirage(2)

Hassan Ahmed 
In this an abandoned land, everything has become obscure, the truth is a truth at a public sphere, at the class room, or at a specific religious location, the memory of human being is a memory of Oblivion, the deliberate Oblivion, the current community never accepts the reality as an abstract reality, what they say on the streets, it will be different, when the individuals go the house, father of experience, he always notices this serious illness, it has been spread. 
He comments in a very limited meeting, these generations after the longest terms of abroad oppression, they need to rethink, the permanent Oblivion, it is a concrete crisis for themselves, they haven’t the bravery to deliberate among selves frankly, they always eat, drink, enjoy, feel happy, but, they create different faces, at the public arenas, offices, the real face of them, at the private house have walled or surrounded by the restrict secrets.

The true father of the salvation, the memory of Oblivion has been isolated him deliberately, one of them, he repeats always, the abroad hands, it is an easy to cut them off, what about the inside hands, those hands always with you, what will you expect from them?, those hands as the daily shadow, in the village, the town, the rural area, the office, what will you expect?, the father of dream of change, he says it, at that corner of Oblivion land, it was stabbed by the son of land, when he exposes that self of secret.



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